What kind of individuals use your Matchmaking Agency?
Our services are meant for singles seeking a partner with whom to form a long-term relationship. We do not provide services for those seeking casual dating.
Why should I use your Matchmaking Agency as opposed to using an online dating service or trying to find a partner by myself?

We encourage you to put forth the effort to find your perfect match. There are many dating sites with legitimate ways to meet other people. However, you should not be surprised to find yourself spending your time viewing endless profiles, trying to start conversations, and questioning the honesty of the profile information. At the same time, you might easily miss compatible matches if they have chosen a poor photo of themselves or have worded their profile ineffectively.

By becoming a member of Central Quest, you are guaranteed to be matched with people who have been interviewed by our expert Matchmakers, people who have been vetted and genuinely want to find a partner for a long-term relationship.

What is your success rate?
It is important to keep in mind that success is measured differently by different people. For example, some of our clients seek serious relationships with the prospect of marriage while others have previously been married, are not interested in pursuing another marriage and simply wish to be in a committed long-term relationship. We cater to both types of clients and have been very successful in introducing couples who built relationships that resulted in marriage and couples who grew very deeply together but have no intention of getting married.
How many introductions should I expect from Central Quest?
The minimum amount of introductions we commit to is nine, though it is not a hard limit and we will continue to introduce you to more potential matches. An introduction does not always lead to a relationship but it always provides an insight into the next introduction.
How do you protect the information that I share with you?
Confidentiality is amongst our top priorities. Any information you share with us will be used for the sole purpose of Matchmaking and will never be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
As a client, will I have any interaction with my dates prior to meeting them?
Typically, we would present our clients with a potential match and allow them to decide if they wish to be introduced. Before arranging a meeting, we encourage conversation between both sides during which you can arrange to meet if you both desire.
Can I freeze my membership for any reason?
Absolutely. Each member is allowed to freeze their membership for up to one successive year.
How do I know if your Matchmaking service is really suitable for me?
Simple – just ask us! It would be our pleasure to invite you for a Complimentary Consultation with no obligation on your part. This will give you an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Matchmaking agency complimentary consultation request button

Central Quest Ltd. | 45 Charles St. | Mayfair | London W1J 5EH | United Kingdom | Telephone: +44 (0)20 7495 7744 | Company Registration Number: 8323212